FHWA U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
FTA U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration
USDOC/EDA Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
USF&W US Fish and Wildlife Service
NPS National Park Service
USACOE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USDA/NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
State of Wisconsin
WDNR Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
WDOA Wisconsin Department of Administration
WisDOT Wisconsin Department of Transportation
WGNHS Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey
DATCP Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection
WEDC Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
WSHS Wisconsin Historical Society
WEM Wisconsin Emergency Management
UW-EXTENSION The University of Wisconsin-Extension
WCA Wisconsin Counties Association
WTA Wisconsin Towns Association
WLOM League of Wisconsin Municipalities
NADO National Association of Development Organizations
TDA Transportation Development Association
APA American Planning Association
WAPA American Planning Association-Wisconsin Chapter
ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects
WIASLA American Society of Landscape Architects- Wisconsin Chapter
WLIA Wisconsin Land Information Association